Kamis, 30 Maret 2017

Brave Girl

Courage Girl's on behind Home 
Corner house, secluded home in an apartment that is not suitable for habitation, there lived a girl named Axcell 17 years old, live with yourself is not easy when the parents of this girl at proclaim died on the very day kelahiranya, in because in a car accident ..Monday, January 2, 17, started the new year"What should I set it up now?" Guman Axcell "Bags, bags, ... sepatuu, shoes ..." unfinished humming in the corner near the door audible sigh blond boy who had a very pale face. " Who are you? And what are you doing there? "Asked Axcell, when he walked over and clasped her hands were so cold icy rock, Axcell felt that he was not holding a child's hand. "Where I am ... who I am ...?" Guman this boy when he was in his bedroom guided towards Axcell, Axcell was confused and had to ask this boy ... "who are you? Are you my brother? "Axcell increasingly confused and wondered why this boy being asked as it was when he was not given any right to her questions.Just before the final step Axcell went into her room suddenly felt his breath panting as Axcell being chased someone, Axcell fell and tried to take his asthma medication pump and he was feeling better. "Kak ... brother ... allow me to call your brother?" Axcell shocked "But I do not know you ..." he replied. How can he call me as a brother? Somehow Axcell make this boy sad "le ... better for you to rest at my place for a while now .."When Axcell leave his apartment and entered the car, Axcell felt as if someone was watching her, she turned around glimpse Axcell see the shadow of the boy who was sitting in the back seat of his. During the trip to the place of his lecture Axcell keep thinking about that morning ..."Axcell! Axcell! ... "Theme called him" There is bad news ... the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mouren family reported missing from home .. "unfinished speak directly Axcell memustusnya and said" Who's the kid? And how can it be ..? "In a voice so soft," to be exact if not one of the 1st yesterday, a friend of her brother notify parents that Lauren died tragically with his head separated from his body .. "Axcell paused and contemplated her for a moment and had to ask some questions on Franklyn "emm..kalau I should know .. what is the name of children who disappeared from the house?" Franklyn said "if I'm not mistaken the name of Michael ..." What! He is a man? Said Axcell in the liver. "Michael is a boy who was cheerful and very fond of her brother more than anything .. but when she learned that her brother was killed in the second when Michael was very frustrating and even then depressed and locked herself ..." somehow Franklyn stop her story on Axcell, and invites her to class. All day full Axcell can not focus on pelajaranya. "Axcell! Are you alright? You should be in school health unit if you memerlukanya "said teacher and Axcell replied in a tone so low" ti .. no need bu ... "After completing the lessons Axcell permission to take hours to 2 to 3 her to rest in the infirmary and teacher mengijinkanya. "What happened to me? .. Realize Axcell ... come on think positively .. but I can not what to do? ..." Axcell felt there was something wrong with him. Shortly before Axcell lying on the bed he saw someone in strands of windblown drapery, a boy waved, but Axcell only saw his shadow alone .. Axcell began to feel frightened in his life he had never felt anything so suspiciously like what happened today it was not long thinking suddenly Axcell think of the stories of 'the loss of a boy in the old house' Axcell also heard some stories from his friends who told me about the 'a brother who loved brother to death' right thinking for Axcell to identify and investigate cases or events that he experienced today.Two hours passed Axcell was time to return to class. When Axcell will wear shoes that are right under the bed, Axcell see someone was with him on the bed, Axcell see another leg hanging behind when Axcell ducking and wants to wear her socks. Bedebar His heart pounded louder and louder to make Axcell fell unconscious. Not feel his eyes closed again, and when Axcell awoke he realized that he had not been in the infirmary, but he was in his bed in the apartment ..In a state of

Rabu, 29 Maret 2017

My World


Duniaku ....

Karena tema-nya adalah ‘DUNIAKU’ aku akan sedikit cerita mengenai duniaku negaraku..
Ternyata di dunia ini kemungkinan besar orang suka dengan negara mereka sendiri, demikian juga saya^^ Dunia kita bukan hanya sekedar Dunia Maya atau Dunia game aja.. namun jika kamu melihat keluar dan merasakan betapa indahnya dan istimewanya dunia kita ,kita akan terus ingin berada di luar dan ingin merasakan bagaimana rasanya berkeliling dunia ... ^^ namun sekarang banyak dari remaja yang ada di dunia ini hanya mementigkan dunia mereka sendiri akibatnya mereka menjadi ANSOS 'ANTI SOSIAL' karena kebanyakan berada di dalam rumah dan enggan rasanya untuk keluar rumah dan bermain bersama dengan orang yang ada di sekitar atau teman kita sendiri ... yah.. begitulah zama sekarang...

Di samping Dunia bukan hanya game saja tapim Dunia dalah tempat di mana kita bisa menjadi diri kita dan mulai membentuk diri kita serta membentuk diri kita dengan orang lain dan bisa saling bersosialisasi serta pergi bersama....
            Di dunia ini banyak suku dan budaya yang amat di gemari oleh masyarakat atau orang, kalau kamu bertanya ke saya,saya akan menjawab “yang saya sukai itu negara Jepang karena di sana terdapat banyak teknologi dan informasi yang baru-baru dan menyenangkan menurut saya^^”
            Cerita-cerita tentang dunia nih...  menuruku dunia itu kecil jika dilihat melalui peta,map,atau internet tapi bagaimana kalau kalian yang mencoba mengelilingi dunia ? pasti akan menyenangkan bukan?   
            Didunia ini sekarang zaman sudah mulai berubah kalau dulu adalah zaman tradisonal namun sekarang sudah berkembang menjadi Modern hingga semua peralatan yang digunakan mulai dari bekerja sehari-hari hingga aktifivas sehari-hari pun mulai berubah dari yang dulu adanya gotng-royong,sekarang di Jepang hampis semuanya di kerjakan oleh robot, nggak heraan jika Jepang di juluki sebagai negara Robot yah.. gitu lah.. begitulah..
            Karena itulah teman kita perlu membanggakan Dunia kita yang telah di ciptakan oleh yang maha Kuasa... ^^ Sekian dari saya

What we can From Internet?

Bisa Apakah Kita Dengan Internet?

        Bisa apa kita dengan Internet? Banyak orang mengatakan orang akan lupa dengan dunia di mana mereka tinggal karena mereka telah memiliki dunia mereka sendiri yang mereka buat didalam dunia itu (Sosial Media salah satunya).
          Hello.. hello..  ngomong-ngomong nih tentang Internet, Internet itu.... di zaman sekarang ini yang namanya Internet tidak  akan pernah bisa lepas dari kehidupan manusia. Internet kini berkembang dengan baik dan banyak manfaatnya selain di gunakan untuk browsing  aja kini Internet dapat dikembangkan oleh masyarakat dan di gunakan dengan baik, contohnya ^^:

1.     Dengan adanya Internet,berkomunikasi bisa menjadi lebih baik tanpa mengeluarkan    banyak biaya.
2.    Melakukan transaksi lebih mudah dan cepat.
3.    Mengirim dan menerima tugas atau data-data dengan lebih cepat.
4.    Dapat mengirim email atau pesan singkat.
5.    Sarana pembelajaran bagi anak-anak.
6.    Dan banyak lagi
Itu beberapa penjelasan yang saya ketahui tentang kegunaan Internet. Kiranya bermanfaat bagi pembaca.^^

(By: Elok KN)